Thursday, January 26, 2006

Potential Firefox Extension Fix

Have been using Firefox 1.5 since it came out. Has been working just fine. If you're still stuck with Internet Explorer, you don't know what you've been missing. Go here to get it. MapIt was the last extension that wouldn't work in 1.5. MapIt's one of those extensions that even my 'puter-challenged social services users find handy. Many thanks to TrackZilla for fix which worked like the proverbial charm. I'm willing to bet the drill would be applicable to other stuck extensions. Here's a snip from the site on the drill:


How to get Map IT! to work with FF1.5

by TrackZilla, Wednesday, November 30 2005

Here we go: 1) change the xpi extension to zip; 2) open the install.rdf file inside said zip file; 3) change maxVersion from 1.0+ to 1.5; 4) save changes to install.rdf; 5) copy new install.rdf back into zip file; 5) change zip extension back to xpi; 6) install and mapit!